• ++ strong positive effect: max(threshold) < lcl

  • + positive effect: reference < lcl < max(threshold) and max(threshold) < ucl

  • +~ moderate positive effect: reference < lcl and ucl < max(threshold)

  • ~ no effect: min(threshold) < lcl < reference and reference < ucl < max(threshold)

  • -~ moderate negative effect: min(threshold) < lcl and ucl < reference

  • - negative effect: lcl < min(threshold) and min(threshold) < ucl < reference

  • -- strong negative effect: ucl < min(threshold)

  • ?+ potential positive effect: min(threshold) < lcl < reference and max(threshold) < ucl

  • ?- potential negative effect: lcl < min(threshold) and reference < ucl < max(threshold)

  • ? unknown effect: lcl < min(threshold) and max(threshold) < ucl

classification(lcl, ucl, threshold, reference = 0)



A vector of lower confidence limits.


A vector of upper confidence limits.


A vector of either 1 or 2 thresholds. A single threshold will be transformed into reference + c(-abs(threshold), abs(threshold)).


The null hypothesis. Defaults to 0.

See also

Other classification: coarse_classification, remove_sign