The function rounds the estimate, lower and upper confidence interval to the same magnitude. The magnitude shows the width of the confidence interval with two significant digits.

format_ci(estimate, se, lcl, ucl, interval = 0.95, link = c("identity",
  "log", "logit"), max_digit = 4, percent = FALSE, sign = FALSE)



The estimate in the link scale.


The standard error in the link scale. If missing, you must provide values for lcl and ucl.


The lower confidence limit. Ignored when se is given.


The upper confidence limit. Ignored when se is given.


The coverage of the confidence interval. Only used when se is given. Defaults to 0.95 (95%).


The transformation of estimate, se, lcl and ucl. The appropriate backtransformation is applied before formatting.


The maximum number of significant digits to display. Defaults to 4.


Display the interval as a percentage (= muliply by 100 and append %). Defaults to FALSE.


Always add the sign to the text. (e.g. +1 instead of 1). Defaults to FALSE.


format_ci(0.512345, 1)
#> [1] "0.5 (-1.4; 2.5)"
format_ci(0.512345, 1, interval = 0.9)
#> [1] "0.5 (-1.1; 2.2)"
format_ci(0.512345, 1, link = "log")
#> [1] "1.7 (0.2; 11.8)"
format_ci(0.512345, 1, link = "logit")
#> [1] "0.63 (0.19; 0.92)"
format_ci(0.512345, 10)
#> [1] "1 (-19; 20)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.1)
#> [1] "0.51 (0.32; 0.71)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.01)
#> [1] "0.512 (0.493; 0.532)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.001)
#> [1] "0.5123 (0.5104; 0.5143)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.0001)
#> [1] "0.5123 (0.5121; 0.5125)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.00001)
#> [1] "0.5123 (0.5123; 0.5124)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.00001, max_digit = 10)
#> [1] "0.512345 (0.512325; 0.512365)"
format_ci(0.512345, 0.5)
#> [1] "0.51 (-0.47; 1.49)"
format_ci(-0.1, lcl = -0.1999, ucl = 0.1234)
#> [1] "-0.100 (-0.200; 0.123)"
format_ci(-0.1, lcl = -0.1999, ucl = 0.1234, percent = TRUE)
#> [1] "-10.0% (-20.0%; 12.3%)"
format_ci(-0.1, lcl = -0.1999, ucl = 0.1234, sign = TRUE)
#> [1] "-0.100 (-0.200; +0.123)"
format_ci(-0.1, lcl = -0.1999, ucl = 0.1234, percent = TRUE, sign = TRUE)
#> [1] "-10.0% (-20.0%; +12.3%)"
format_ci(0.512345e-6, 1e-6)
#> [1] "0.0000005 (-0.0000014; 0.0000025)"
format_ci(0.512345e-7, 1e-7)
#> [1] "5e-08 (-1.4e-07; 2.5e-07)"
format_ci(0.512345e-7, 1e-8)
#> [1] "5.1e-08 (3.2e-08; 7.1e-08)"
format_ci(0.512345e-7, 1e-9)
#> [1] "5.12e-08 (4.93e-08; 5.32e-08)"